Lite-Brights: A Glimpse of Light for Every Day Life
Apostle Dawn White
How to Obtain Joy in a World full of Sorrow
Blessings to all friends and family, I pray all is well with you today. This morning as I was seeking the Lord as to what I should speak about this week He said “I want you to talk to them about Joy. It’s only in me that they will find joy and it’s in my Joy that they will find strength. Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope. It appears 88 times in the Old Testament in 22 books; 57 times in the New Testament in 18 books.
So many of us are looking for happiness through other people, friends, relationships, family, being financially secure, obtaining degree’s, having nice cars, houses, taking trips, vacations, etc.… Although these things are nice and it is a good thing to try to excel and to allow God to use you to your fullest potential, these things do not bring you the kind of Joy that will keep you satisfied. Do you ever notice that when you get something new how exciting it is, but after a while, it becomes just the “norm”, the usual everyday life routine? Relationships that once brought a smile to your face, gave you that oomph, that special warm feeling inside, seem to fade? That new outfit, new shoes, new car, new house etc.….seem to get worn out, fade, get dirty, full of “stuff” that can become a chore to keep up with?
This is because that happiness you are seeking is a “feeling” an emotion. It is something that is temporary, here one moment and gone the next. However, Joy, is something that you can only find by seeking after something that is everlasting. Something that you know you can depend on. Something that can be a new experience every day. It is a deep, internal feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and it compels you to want to go even deeper, to press past your situation and know that eventually if you hold onto what you know gave you that joy in the first place, everything will work out.
My friends what I am describing is the Joy of the Lord!! The joy of knowing that He is your strength. That when you are weak, He is strong. That he will hold you up, that he will prop you up, His mercy will always bring you back to His Grace and His strength is made perfect in your weakness! It is coming to the realization that it is not something you can give to yourself because it can only come from Him!
Nehemiah 8:10 says …And do not be worried, for the joy of the LORD is your strength and your stronghold.” What we need to understand is that our enemy Satan is always trying to set us up to deter us from finding that true Joy with distractions, and he tries to entice us in those worldly things that try to seduce us by what looks good, what feels good and what everyone else is doing so why not join them. After all, this is what appears to keep everyone happy and successful. My friends, this is the biggest set up for a fall. In fact it is because of a small word with a big meaning, PRIDE. It comes from not believing that God can provide all your needs, or that he cannot protect us from evil, or simply that we want to have power and control.
1 John 1:4 (Amp) says:
4 We are writing these things to you so that our joy [in seeing you included] may be made complete [by having you share in the joy of salvation]. What this is saying is that the only way to find true Joy is to receive the salvation that Jesus has come to give you by sacrificing His own life for yours. He wants you to join with Him and to entrust your life into His hands. He wants to take all of your sorrow, your grieving, the strongholds, the devastation of your losses and broken relationships and He wants to give you an everlasting joy that only He can put deep inside your heart. I know some of you are wondering if you will ever be able to experience this kind of joy, and I am here to encourage you today, that Yes You can! If you have been struggling and have lost hope. If you once had this Joy and you lost it, I would like to pray with you today:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you as humbly as we know how with a grateful heart today. We thank you for waking us up this morning and for giving us another day of life, another opportunity to get things right with you. Father, I would like to come on behalf of my friends, my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ today. Sometimes we don’t see when you are there, we can’t always feel your presence. Some of us have been burdened down with sin, things that have become strongholds in our lives. We ask you by the power of your Holy Spirit to please reach deep inside our hearts, to deliver us from every dark and broken place. We ask you to create in us a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within us. Please forgive us for trying to find happiness through others and through the enticements of this world. We ask you to captivate our hearts today and turn our sorrows into joy. We thank you that you are always there and you love us so much. Restore the joy of our salvation as we know it is only in you that we are saved and set free. We love you and we need you to be the source of our strength. It’s in Jesus name that we pray this and all these things, Amen!
Be blessed and be a blessing to someone else today!
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